October 11, 2018

RegEx for parsing chemical formulas in paragraph

Posted on October 11, 2018  •  1 minutes  • 117 words

Here what it is

Data returns something like this

		name: "Water",
		details: " water chemical formula is H2O"

and we want to replace chemical formula to look in html like this

water chemical formula is H2O

	water chemical formula is H<sub>2</sub>O

You can replace the specific content in side the html body like the following.

Link to codepen

var str   = 'Aluminium oxide or aluminum oxide is a chemical compound of aluminium and oxygen with the chemical formula Al2O3. It is the most commonly occurring of several aluminium oxides, and specifically identified as aluminium(III) oxide';
var regex = /[A-Z][a-z]?\dW*/g;
str = str.replace(regex, function(matched){
  return matched.replace(/\d+/g,function(mtch){
   return "<sub>"+mtch+"</sub>"; 

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